Newborn Care Tips, Puppy and Kitten Care

Tube Feeding – Puppies or Kittens

Is tube feeding safe for puppies and kittens? Although nursing or bottle feeding is preferred over tube feeding it may be necessary if a baby is too weak to nurse. Here are some tips when it comes to tube feeding puppies and kittens.

  • The feeding tube should be bigger than you think they can swallow as a tiny tube can fold up in the lung.
  • Measure from the corner of mouth to the last rib and mark the tube. If you do not get to that mark, you are in the lung. The stomach is behind and slightly under the rib.
  • Pass the tube across the tongue – to the left side of the mouth. Do NOT tip the head back and open the mouth.
  • Position puppy or kitten with head slightly extended as they nurse, not with their head straight up in the air. Straight up causes a straight shot to the trachea.
  • Dip the tube in milk replacer – they seem to taste and swallow it better.
  • Babies do not have a gag reflex until their eyes are open, so do not plan on them coughing if you are in the lungs! Before you push the plunger on the syringe, pinch the toes or tail gently. If you can hear the puppy/kitten vocalize, you are in the esophagus and it is safe to feed. If you do not hear vocalization, stop, pull out the tube, and take a break. Come back in a few minutes and try again. The puppy/kitten does not have to squawk loudly, just enough to hear them.
  • I like to tube feed first with electrolytes, then follow with milk when the tummy is empty. They are usually dehydrated and the electrolytes will help with this. Newborns always start with Breeder’s Edge® Foster Care milk replacer from the first feeding.
  • It is good to burp babies after you feed them by gentle tapping on chest and tummy. Air introduced at feeding can cause colic, although this is less of an issue with tube feeding than bottle feeding. Gentle tapping brings those bubbles to the top where they can burp and remove them.
  • Don’t forget to stimulate them to eliminate their waste and wash them after feeding.
  • Mom gives her bacteria to her newborns when she cleans them. If puppies and kittens do not have mom for care, add a probiotic such as Breeder’s Edge Nurture Flora to the milk once daily. Breeder’s Edge Nurture Flora is formulated specifically for newborn puppies and kittens. Diarrhea at one week when on a bottle is often from lack of good bacteria for digestion. Putting probiotic in the milk will solve this issue.

How Much to Tube Feed a Puppy or Kitten?

Stomach capacity is 18 cc/lb but you never want to get near that volume. Feeding 1 cc per 1 ounce (30 gm) of body weight is an easy calculation. Care must be taken to not overfeed. Tummy should be slightly rounded (full) when finished. Nursing babies will usually stop when they are full. When tube feeding, decide on your total volume and underfeed that amount. It’s better to underfeed and feed one more time than overfeed.

Neonates determine the frequency of feeding. When hungry, they will cry and crawl searching, which is a sign to feed them. Move them to a bottle as soon as they can suck on their own. Typically, feeding every three to four hours will allow for successful weight gain.

How much should a puppy tube feed? For kittens or tiny breed puppies, tube or bottle feed 1 cc of warmed oral electrolyte solution. For average sized puppies start small as stomach is empty, 4 cc for a puppy weighing one-half pound and increase 1 cc per feeding. Capacity is 18 cc per pound but that is for a healthy puppy so always start low (one-half of maximum capacity) and work up. A warmed solution of Breeder’s Edge® Puppy or Kitten Lyte can be used and should be in your emergency kit.

Possible Issues & Causes When Tube Feeding Puppies & Kittens


  • Food not mixed well (cold or hot)
  • Feeding too rapidly
  • Over feeding
  • Check the pup/kittens’ rectal temperature prior to feeding. This should be 96° to 99°F prior to feeding

(Food should be mom’s temperature before feeding. Give slowly.)

Colic, Bloating:

  • Contaminated instruments (hygiene)
  • Incorrect or poor quality mixture
  • Simethicone drops can reduce gassiness

(Wash all feeding equipment each time and mix only enough for 24 hours.)


  • Lack of good bacteria in gut
  • Usually occurs after one week on bottle
  • Probiotic once daily in milk will solve

Puppy Tube Feeding Supplies

The Neonatal Feeding Bundle is Available Now. This kitten and puppy tube feeding kit has the essential supplies you need for successful tube feeding. If you need help with kitten or puppy tube feeding supplies or have more questions on how much or how often to tube feed, call a Revival Animal Care Specialist at 800.786.4751.

Article originally written by Donald Bramlage, DVM, Revival’s Former Director of Veterinary Services. This article has been updated/reviewed by Dr. Greer.
Watch "How to Tube Feed a Puppy"
Dr. Marty Greer, DVM

Written by: Marty Greer, DVM

Director of Veterinary Services

Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, has 40+ years’ experience in veterinary medicine, with special interests in canine reproduction and pediatrics. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University in 1981. She’s served as Revival’s Director of Veterinary Services since 2019. In 2023, Dr. Greer was named the Westminster Kennel Club Veterinarian of the Year.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.