Pet Care Pro Show, Pet Health Tips

UTIs in Dogs and Cats

Why does my dog keep getting utis? Looking for an easy way to prevent urinary tract infections, UTIs, in dogs and cats? In this episode of the Pet Care Pro Show, Shelley and Helen will share their top tips to protect your pets from UTIs.
UTI in Dogs and Cats

Does My Dog Have a UTI?

Do you notice your cat making frequent trips to the litter box with little urination? Or perhaps your dog has started urinating in places he knows he shouldn’t? Then your pet may have a bladder infection or UTI.

Bladder infections, urinary tract infections, and crystals are common in cats and dogs. Often, an early sign of a Urinary Tract Infection in cats and dogs is excess licking of the genital area, progressing to burning and then frequent trips to the litter box or bathroom spot with little urinating. Cats may also start urinating outside the litter box. A UTI will cause squatting for an extended
time due to bladder infection and stones irritating the urethra. As the infection and spasms progress, small amounts of blood may also be seen in the urine.

Bladder infections and crystals are especially common in male cats and female dogs. Calcium oxalate stones are the most prevalent and frequently occur in certain breeds of dogs such as Yorkies, Miniature Schnauzers, Shih Tzus and also in cats.

Why Do Dogs Get UTI?

The dog or cat’s urine, diet, and water all are factors that can cause these issues. The most common cause of crystals is alkaline
or basic urine and minerals in the animal’s diet and water. Recent studies have shown diets that cause high urine acidity may predispose dogs to develop this type of bladder stone. If there are excess minerals in their diet, they are eliminated through the urine, where under alkaline conditions, these minerals can crystallize and form a crystal sand-like stone. These crystals then irritate the urinary tract. The urinary tract is then more prone to bacteria and that can sometimes cause blood in the urine and infections.

How to Prevent UTIs in Dogs and Cats

Potassium citrate affects the pH of the urine and cranberry has properties that keep bacteria from sticking to the bladder
wall. Products such as Doc Roy’s Potassium Citrate plus Cranberry helps maintain a healthy urinary tract in cats and dogs and inhibits the formation of bladder stones. It helps create an unfavorable environment for bacteria and stone formation, so you can actually control and help prevent bladder infections.

If your dog or cat does have a UTI, Amoxicillin is a good antibiotic for bladder issues to take care of the infection. However, it’s better to try and prevent the issue before it happens rather than treat it.

Cranberry supplements, like Doc Roy’s® Cranberry Extra, help maintain and support a healthy urinary tract and it can be used during a UTI as the ingredients will not interfere with antibiotics. If you need help with how to help a cat with a uti or dog uti treatment, call us at 800.786.4751.

Shelley Hexom

Written by: Shelley Hexom

Content Manager

Shelley Hexom is Revival's Content Manager and helps develop educational pet health resources. A three-time Emmy® Award-winning news anchor, Shelley works with Revival's Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, to help create useful and easy-to-understand articles, videos, and webinars. Shelley received her bachelor's degree in Mass Communications from Winona State University in 2002. As a pet owner, Shelley enjoys time with her Boxer mix, Sally. Shelley has been part of the Revival Team since 2016.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.