Pet Care Pro Show, Pet Health Tips

Pet Vaccine FAQs

Shopping online for pet vaccines can be confusing and sometimes difficult. Many customers reach out to our Pet Care Pros for answers on pet vaccines. In this episode of the Pet Care Pro Show, Helen and Deedee will talk about common pet vaccine questions our customers ask. We’ll cover the differences between modified-live virus vaccines (MLV) and killed vaccines. We’ll also touch on needle sizes and how they differ.

Pet Vaccine FAQs

Vaccine Finder Button

What is the Difference Between Modified Live and Killed Vaccines?

A common question pet owners ask is the difference between an MLV vaccine and a killed vaccine. The first is a modified-live virus or MLV for short. MLV uses a weakened virus to stimulate an immune response in your pet. A killed vaccine is an inactive form of the virus that uses an adjuvant to stimulate an immune response. Both vaccines have their pros and cons. For example, MLV vaccines are more effective when it comes to preparing the immune system. They last longer and they are also faster at achieving immunity. Killed vaccines pose no risk of infecting the animal, but are less effective in providing immunity and usually require two doses.

What are the Different Size Needles for Dogs and Cats?

The second most common question vaccine customers ask is how to pick the right needle. Needles are an important step in administering your pet’s vaccine. The two most common needle sizes for pets are the 25 and 22 gauge needles. They are color coded to help you identify them. The blue needle, the 22 gauge, is the most common one used for vaccinating and causes the least pain. Next is the 25 gauge, which is a light red color. This needle is tiny and requires more pressure to administer the vaccine.

Shelley Hexom

Written by: Shelley Hexom

Content Manager

Shelley Hexom is Revival's Content Manager and helps develop educational pet health resources. A three-time Emmy® Award-winning news anchor, Shelley works with Revival's Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, to help create useful and easy-to-understand articles, videos, and webinars. Shelley received her bachelor's degree in Mass Communications from Winona State University in 2002. As a pet owner, Shelley enjoys time with her Boxer mix, Sally. Shelley has been part of the Revival Team since 2016.

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