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And the 2022 Cat Meownth Winners Are….

September was Cat Meownth at Revival. As we celebrated our feline friends all month long we asked you to nominate your favorite shelter or rescue for their chance to win one of 6 $300 Revival Animal Health gift cards. The response was cat-tastic! We received more than 6,500 nominations, representing more than 1,000 different shelters and rescues.

The 6 shelters and rescues with the most nominations each receives a $300 gift card to Revival Animal Health. So without further ado, here are the winners and a little bit about each organization:

Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue – Rolla, ND

Founder Kieth Benning, turned his life into a makeshift animal shelter upon moving Rolette County, ND, whether he intended to or not. With minimal access to veterinarians and local animals in serious need for help, Benning and volunteers formed Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue. They have now helped over 5,000 animals in just five years.

Furry Friend Rockin’ Rescue – Bismarck, ND

To help alleviate overcrowding and the euthenization of animals, a group of Bismarck Animal Impound volunteers founded Furry Friend Rockin’ Rescue in 2015.  They recently expanded to help take in owner surrenders. They are passionate about educating the community on the importance of proper veterinary care.

Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary  – St Pauls, NC

Founded in 2005, Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary was started by a mother and daughter. They discovered how many blind cats were deemed not adoptable by regular shelters. Inspired by their first blind cat, Louis, they also began providing sanctuary for FELV+ (leukemia positive) and FIV+ (feline immunodeficiency virus) cats in 2011. Together they provide safety for cats and education for cat owners.

Belinda House of Cats  – Odessa, TX

Belinda’s House of Cats is a 501(c)3 devoted to saving, sterilizing, & adopting local West Texas cats in need. Head to their Facebook and you’ll find a dedicated community page where members gather together to learn, rescue and love on all things cats.

Baby Kitten Rescue  – Los Angeles, CA

Baby Kitten Rescue is an animal rescue dedicated to rescuing and caring for the most vulnerable of kittens. Their team of fosters quickly care for the kittens that shelters and rescues are unable to keep overnight. Additionally, the team also cares for the ones who are too costly to take on.

Too Cute Kitten Rescue  – Brawley, CA

Too Cute Kitten Rescue began in 2016, after president and CEO Lisa Keck started taking in orphaned kittens from Imperial Valley. She realized there were no real programs that focused on the tiniest of lives. Orphaned non-weaned kittens are considered unadoptable and require extensive 1:1 care. Together, Lisa and her group of volunteers create a safer space for kittens.

Congratulations to all our Cat Meownth winners and thank you to everyone who nominated a shelter or rescue!

Shelley Hexom

Written by: Shelley Hexom

Content Manager

Shelley Hexom is Revival's Content Manager and helps develop educational pet health resources. A three-time Emmy® Award-winning news anchor, Shelley works with Revival's Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, to help create useful and easy-to-understand articles, videos, and webinars. Shelley received her bachelor's degree in Mass Communications from Winona State University in 2002. As a pet owner, Shelley enjoys time with her Boxer mix, Sally. Shelley has been part of the Revival Team since 2016.

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